Elder and Special Needs Law are specialized areas of law that involve representing, counseling, and assisting people with disabilities, seniors, and their families in connection with a variety of legal issues, from estate planning to long term care issues, with a primary emphasis on promoting the highest quality of life for the individuals. Typically, Elder and Special Needs Law attorneys address the client’s perspective from a holistic viewpoint by addressing legal, medical, financial, social and family issues.
Elder and Special Needs Law attorneys advise clients about what they should consider with regard to retirement income, long-term care, lifestyle and housing needs, and preferences. In addition, wills, living wills, durable powers of attorney for property and health and insurance coverage are issues that seniors should discuss with Elder Law attorneys. Daniel J. Tripathi is an experienced Elder Law attorney in Riverside. You can be reached him by calling 951-880-7946 or visiting him on the web at http://www.tripathilaw.com .
Contact Us:
4192 Brockton Ave Suite 100
Riverside CA 92501
Telephone: 877-4CA-LAWS or 951-880-7946
Email: Daniel@tripathilaw.com